The advisory board is composed of:
- Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Wolfgang Bauer (Graz University of Technology)
- Katja Corcoran (University of Graz)
- Elke Gruber (University of Graz)
- Prof. Mag. Johann Reitbauer (Graz University of Technology)
- Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Schichler (Graz University of Technology)
- Mag. Bernhard Weber (University of Graz)
In September 2004 the Center for Social Competence signed an agreement with the Graz University of Technology. With the shared resources the offer of the center can be gradually developed. The programme attracts about 30.000 students and strengthens the interdisciplinary nature of the courses.
We have in-house cooperations with the ADR & Mediation of the Faculty of Law, Uni for Life (further education), the Center for Digital Teaching and Learning, Global Studies and the Coordination Center for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities.
Besides we work closely with the University of Klagenfurt, the ÖGGO (Austrian Association for Group Dynamics and Organization Consulting), the PGA Akademie Linz (association for preventive health management), the Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation (former IICP), the FH Wien (University of Applied Sciences), the PE-Netzwerk and the Gesellschaft für Schlüsselkompetenzen.
In our Mediation Training we collaborate with Rainbows (an Austrian society that provides support and help for children and teens in critical family situations), the KIJA (a federal association for children’s rights and youth welfare services) with the Friedensbüro Graz, with IKEMBA (Verein für Interkultur, Konfliktmanagement, Empowerment, Migrationsbegleitung, Bildung und Arbeit), with the Experts Group Wirtschaftsmediation (Styria), dem ÖBM (Österreichischer Bundesverband für Mediation), with the Steirischer Rechtsanwaltsmediatoren and with the Bezirksgericht Graz-West.
On an international level, the Center for Social Competence cooperates with the Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, California.